Sunday, June 8, 2008

The One Word That Makes The Difference Between Success And Failure!

anirvedaH shriyo muulam anirvedaH param sukham
anirvedo hi satatam sarva artheSu pravartakaH 5-12-10

(Non-depression is root of development. Absence of despondency is the greatest comfort. Self reliance always is indeed the promoter in all matters.)

karoti saphalam jantoH karma yac ca karoti saH
tasmaad anirveda kRtam yatnam ceSTe aham uttamam 5-12-11
adR^iSTaamH ca viceSyaami deshaan raavaNa paalitaan

(Whatever action a human does that action of man is made to be successful by non-depression. For that reason I will perform a best effort together with non-depression. I will search all those regions ruled by Ravana not yet seen)

Source: Valmiki Ramayana, Book 5 – Sundara Kandam, Chapter 12, slokas 10 & 11


The One Word That Makes The Difference Between Success And Failure!

The difference between Success and Failure is determined by just one MAGIC WORD!

Yes, just by one word!

What is that?

Walter Chrysler, when asked to give the secret of success, listed the various qualities, such as ability, capacity, energy, but added that the real secret was enthusiasm.

Yes, more than enthusiasm, said Chrysler, I would say excitement, I like to see men get excited.

In the great epic Ramayana, Maharishi Valmiki is giving an interesting picture.

When Hanuman, was not able to trace out the location of Sita,He was very much distressed. He lamented, How could I meet my colleagues at the other end of the ocean without finding out Sita! As He is the embodiment of Success, He immediately found out the required quality and uttered two verses (12th chapter verses 10 and 11).

In Sundara Kandam, the best part of Ramayana, He says, Enthusiasm is the cause for getting wealth; enthusiasm is the greatest comfort; Enthusiasm makes one to do his best always, in all matters. Enthusiasm makes human effort fruitful. Hence I am going to do my best induced by enthusiasm. Needless to say, Hanuman found Sita in Asokavanam. This is the turning point in the great epic. Rama went to Lanka and killed Ravana. Norman Vincent Peale has written a book titled, Enthusiasm Makes the Difference.

He points out that

1) Enthusiasm never runs down

2) Enthusiasm cancels fear and worry

3) Enthusiasm reduces stress and tension

4) Enthusiasm works miracles in problems

5) Enthusiasm is a powerful motivation which makes things happen

6) Enthusiasm builds power under your difficulties

7) Enthusiasm makes the difference- it leads everybody from failure to success.

The word enthusiasm from the Greek entheos means God in you or full of God. In other words enthusiasm is a Godly Quality.

Emerson wrote: Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. God helps to those who work with great enthusiasm. So instead of blaming others or the environment, we have to work hard enthusiastically aiming at our goal.

This one word will definitely take us to success from failure!

Source: Santhanam Nagarajan

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